What are the benefits of facial exfoliation? – Skin exfoliation is very essential step of skin care routine. It not just removes dead skin cells but also helps skin to absorb skin care products effectively. Dead skin cells that built up on the skin surface makes your skin look dull and lifeless. Thus to get a smooth and clear skin you must not skip the step of exfoliation. It provides a clean ski surface where your make up blends perfectly. So go on reading this article by Goldy Hunjan – best professional makeup artist in Ludhiana Punjab, to know about what are the benefits of facial exfoliation?

Types of exfoliator: There are two main types of exfoliators
  • Chemical exfoliator: Chemical exfoliators are the blend of chemicals like alpha and beta- hydroxyl acids, which helps to remove dead skin cells.
  • Physical exfoliator: Physical exfoliators like sugar, tools remove dead skin cells and improves skin’s surface.

What are the benefits of facial exfoliation:

What are the benefits of facial exfoliation

there are many benefits of facial exfoliation, some of them are:

  • Glowing complexion
  • Moisturizer absorbs more effectively
  • Prepares skin for make up
  • Draw out impurities
  • It evens skin tone
  • Prevents acne
  • Boost blood circulation

Glowing complexion

There is no doubt that cleansing skin helps in getting rid of dirt and oil but exfoliation not just cleans your skin deeply but also provides you radiant and glowing skin. Thus to improve complexion of your skin you should exfoliate your skin two to three times per week.

Moisturizer absorbs more effectively

Keeping your skin well moisturized is very much important. For a moisturizer to get completely absorbed in skin you skin should be exfoliated. Thus don’t skip the step of exfoliation so that your skin can easily absorb moisturizer. This helps to keep skin supple and soft. 

Prepares skin for make up

To get a smooth make up base, you should properly exfoliate your skin using a good exfoliator as per your skin type. If you do exfoliation you make up blends smoothly and thus you get a perfect make up. Exfoliation is just like preparing your skin for makeup.

Draws out impurities

As here we are reading about what are the benefits of facial exfoliation, so you must know that exfoliation not just helps to get rid of dead cells but also it helps in drawing out impurities from your skin. Exfoliation unclogs pores and thus it removes impurities from the skin.

It evens skin tone

People having problems related dark spots, acne scars should exfoliate their skin to get rid of them as soon as possible. Exfoliation evens skin tone and makes it look brighter. It also helps to reduce the signs of premature ageing.

Prevents acne

Exfoliation unclogs pores and thus it prevents blackheads and white heads. Also it is useful in preventing acne. So you must use scrubs to prevent skin breakouts. If you are using a physical exfoliator, use it twice or thrice a week. A gentle chemical exfoliator can be used daily but make sure to know about its strength first.

Boost blood circulation

There is no doubt in this thing that a good blood circulation is very much helpful in keeping skin glowing and radiant. Exfoliation increases the circulation of oxygen rich blood and thus it nourishes the surface of the skin. A good blood circulation increases collagen, which is very important to keep skin younger looking.

There are many benefits of facial skin exfoliation .Once you include this step in your skin care routine, you will start seeing results. Also there are many ways to make exfoliators at home, like you can use sugar-scrub exfoliator ,oats exfoliator or salt scrub exfoliator. Don’t be too harsh while scrubbing makes sure to scrub with gentle fingers. I hope this article helped you in knowing what the benefits of skin exfoliation are. Now as you are aware about them, include skin exfoliation in your skin care routine.

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