Having soft and glowing cheeks is a dream of every girl. Glowing cheeks enhance the attraction of face. There is no need of artificial blushes if you are naturally having rosy lips. Pink cheeks with the help of makeup do not stand too long. You must be wondering if there are some tips to get rosy cheeks naturally that stay long. Here in this article, Goldy Hunjan – the best bridal makeup artist in Ludhiana Punjab, is sharing how you can get rosy cheeks naturally.

Tips to get rosy cheeks
(Tips to get rosy cheeks naturally by Goldy Hunjan)

1. Have balanced diet – get rosy cheeks

Having healthy meal is very essential to get a clear and glowing skin. If you follow a healthy diet, it will automatically shine through your skin. It makes your hair beautiful and skin looks shine and bright.

You should not miss your meal and stay away from crashed diet as it is very bad for your health and skin. Add protein in your meal. It will help in the overall betterment of your skin.

Eat nutrients rich food to improve your health and make your skin look healthy to get glow on face.

2. Intake of Vitamin E and C

Vitamins E and C are very important for your skin. Take these vitamins on regular basis to enhance the glow of your skin. You will get the problem of dry skin due to lack of these vitamins.

Ensure that you are having fruits and green vegetables to fulfill the requirement of these vitamins in your body.

3. Stress and anger management – best tip so far!

Stress and anger, both lead to decrease the glow on your face. Practice meditation so that you can get rid of both – anger and stress. It is one of the best tips to get rosy cheeks naturally.

Thus, try to get sleep for at least 8 hours. It helps you to escape stress and makes you feel fresh. While sleeping, your skin secretes oil that keeps it glowing.

4. Exfoliation for rosy cheeks | works naturally

Exfoliation helps to get rosy cheeks naturally. Due to lack of exfoliation, your skin tends to have dead skin cells and starts looking lifeless.

 Exfoliate your skin to get rid of these dead skin cells and keep your skin glowing. It helps to remove accumulated pollutants, dirt from your skin. But don’t scrub your skin daily as this will make it look dry.

5. Moisturize your cheeks

Keeping your face well moisturized helps to make your cheeks rosy naturally. Scrubbing skin helps to get rid of dead skin cells but simultaneously it causes skin dryness.

So, to keep your skin healthy and glowing, you should keep your skin well moisturized. Also, keep yourself well hydrated so that your skin doesn’t lose moisture as it helps to make your skin soft.

6. Intake more water, get more redness

Internal hydration is also very important. So, while keeping your skin hydrated externally you should also keep it hydrated internally. It is suggested to increase your water intake.

You must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Also, drinking water helps to flush out all harmful toxins from the body.

7. Massage your face | best among all tips

A good blood circulation helps to enhance the glow of face and it is the best tip to get rosy cheeks naturally. To boost blood circulation, you need to massage your face every three days.

For this, tap your fingers on face gently in small circular motion, first do it clockwise and then anti clockwise for at least 15 minutes. You can use a facial cream and essential oil for better results.

8. Use aloe vera gel to get rosy cheeks

Aloe vera gel is a very common ingredient used in almost all the skin related remedies. It has many magical properties that help to make your skin look glowing and also, moisturize it.

Moreover, it cures many skin problems too. You can grow this aloe vera plant at home.

For the application, you need to take a leaf of aloe vera plant and take out its gel. Apply this gel all over your face to get glowing skin.

9. Apply almond face pack on cheeks

Almond face pack helps to give rosy shine to your cheeks even when you are not wearing any makeup. All you need to do is take 4-5 almonds and grind them.

Also, take some rose petals, 2 tablespoon of mint juice and one teaspoon of honey. Mix all these ingredients and make a paste. Apply this paste on your face. Let it dry and then wash off. This will give you instant shine on your face.

10. Beetroot face pack

Beetroot is very good in providing rosy cheeks. It is best natural way to get rosy cheeks. Take 2 tablespoon of beetroot juice and 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Mix the ingredients and apply this mixture on your face with cotton pads. Keep it for 15 minutes and then wash off. You can also drink beetroot juice to get rosy cheeks and glowing skin.

About Goldy Hunjan – best bridal makeup artist in Ludhiana Punjab!

Well, these are the most effective tips to get rosy cheeks naturally within just few days, given by Goldy Hunjan, who is the best bridal makeup artist in Ludhiana, Punjab. He provides blog posts related to personal care and beauty/skin care for informative purposes. For latest updates stay tuned via:

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Goldy Hunjan - best bridal makeup artist in Ludhiana Punjab

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