All about home remedies to prevent hair thinning and hair loss – A good hair style can change our whole look and on the other hand bad hair style can ruin your look. It is easy to get a perfect hair style when your hair is healthy and thick. But during this time a lot of people are facing the problem of hair thinning which leads to hair loss. It is very sad to see your hair getting thin day by day. It causes stress too. So, to help you out in this context, here, Goldy Hunjan – best professional makeup artist in Ludhiana, Punjab, is presenting very good and effective home remedies to prevent hair thinning and hair loss.  Before we start with the remedies lets read out some of the major factors which are responsible for hair thinning and hair loss.

Factors causing hair thinning:

  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Allergies
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Poor hair care
  • Genetics

Although there are many modern techniques which gives assurance that they can help you in overcoming this problem. But you must be glad to know that you really don’t need to spend a lot of money on these treatments, all you need to do is start using ingredients from your kitchen to help yourself out.

Home remedies to prevent hair thinning and hair loss:


You must have heard that amla has a number of benefits when it comes to hair. It strengthens your hair and also promotes hair growth. The use of amla increases collagen production in scalp and thus it helps in increasing hair. For this remedy take amla powder and lime juice. Combine until you get a smooth paste. Apply this mixture on your scalp. Leave it until it dries up. Then wash your hair with shampoo.


Getting a massage is relaxing and also it has many benefits.  It is a very old traditional remedy used in almost every home to get healthy hair. It increases blood flow in scalp and thus it helps in the hair growth and also helps in enhancing the quality of hair. A good massage also relieves stress. You can use olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil as per your choice.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a very good option when you are talking about home remedies to prevent hair thinning and hair loss. It stimulates hair growth and also works in increasing the volume of hair. You can also drink aloe vera juice for good hair growth and hair quality. Take aloe vera leaf and scoop out gel. You can blend this gel to get a smooth paste. Apply this gel on your scalp with finger tips. Get a good massage and then rinse it after 25 minutes.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds are very effective and easily available in kitchen. This is a very effective home remedy to prevent hair thinning and hair loss. Soak half a cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Blend seeds in morning and make a paste. Apply this paste on your scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair with shampoo.


It is very well known that onion works tremendously in hair growth. It has hair growth stimulating properties. Thus use of onion boost hair growth and thus increases hair volume and prevents hair thinning. Peel an onion and then turn it into puree to extract juice from it. Apply this juice on your scalp and leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse it with shampoo after 10 minutes.


Avocado has many such nutrients which are helpful in hair growth and which helps to enhance hair health. Being rich in vitamin E, it is a very good moisturizer. It deeply nourishes your hair. Take one ripe avocado and combine it with one table spoon of olive oil which is also very good for hair health. Apply this mixture on scalp. Let it rest for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.

Best ways to prevent hair thinning:

  • Use chemical free shampoos
  • Take a nutritious diet.
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid heating tools
  • Avoid combing hair while it is wet

So these are some of the home remedies to prevent hair thinning and hair loss. Maintaining a good balanced diet also plays a very vital role in enhancing the quality of hair. So follow these remedies but don’t forget to intake good nutrient rich food which is good for your hair as well as your health.

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