It is very well known that what we take inside shows outside. The best foods for healthy and glowing skin have a very long list, from which you must have to get natural glow outside. It is very important for you to have a balanced diet which contains all nutrients which are required for a healthy body and mind and also for a healthy skin. Junk and spicy food is not just bad for your skin but it also have many bad impacts on your body.

Also junk and spicy food leads to acne and many other skin problems. So start avoiding such kind of foods which are unhealthy and make you fit and beautiful by consuming only healthy food. Here in this blog we are introducing you to the best foods for healthy and glowing skin. So check out the list of these healthy and nutritious foods suggested by Goldy Hunjan, best professional makeup artist in Ludhiana, Punjab.

Best foods for healthy and glowing skin

  • Avocados
  • Walnuts
  • Carrots
  • Soybeans
  • Dark chocolate
  • Tomatoes
  • Beet root
  • Lemons


Avocados are full of healthy fats. These help to keep your skin moisturized and nourished. Avocados are very good source of Vitamin E, it is very important for the oxidative damage of skin. Avocados make your skin soft and firm. Also, they contain Vitamin C, that helps to get healthy skin.


Walnuts have many benefits which give them place in the list of best foods for healthy and glowing skin. Nuts are considered as healthy snacks. These contain Vitamin E, C and zinc which promotes healthy skin. Also these have high amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Thus these are a very good choice to have for healthy and glowing skin. But do not consume too many walnuts in a single day.


Vitamin A is very helpful in fighting against wrinkle and skin burns. Carrots are a very good source of vitamin A. Also it promotes skin glow. Also Vitamin A helps in reducing the development of the cells which cause skin cancer. Thus to get wrinkle less skin, start eating carrots.


Isoflavones help to block estrogen in your body and soybeans contain isoflavones so it is very good to have soybeans to reduce wrinkles and to improve the elasticity of your skin. Soybeans also increase collagen which makes skin smooth and prevent dryness.

Dark chocolate

So whenever you want to have something sweet go for a dark chocolate. It is one of the best foods for healthy and glowing skin. It is good for your skin as cocoa powder contains antioxidants which promote healthy skin. Also, this provide protection from sun and from skin roughness.


Tomatoes help to reduce acne. It contains an ingredient called lycopene which makes tomatoes red. Tomatoes boost collagen in your body and thus help in fighting against oxidizing effect of UV rays. And these help in moisturizing skin.

Beet roots

Beet roots are very good source of lots of minerals and vitamins and thus consuming beet roots can provide instant glow on face. It contains iron, potassium and vitamin C which help in getting healthy skin. A glass of beet root juice helps to purify toxins from your body and makes your skin clear.


It is also one of the best foods for healthy and glowing skin. Leos are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B and phosphorous. The natural acids present in lemon helps to remove dead skin cells. Drinking lemon juice also helps to detoxify your body and also it is very refreshing to drink it during summers. It makes your skin healthy. Also lemon is used in many face packs.

So these are some of the best foods for healthy and glowing skin. It is very good to eat healthy food for glowing skin as it leads to a healthy body too. Also make sure to keep yourself hydrated to get clear skin. A person’s diet has lot of affects on his skin texture and the glow of the skin is also due to consumption of healthy and nutritious food. So start eating green veggies and fruits and the foods from above list to get healthy and glowing skin.

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