Anti-Aging foods to make your skin look younger | Everyone around us wishes to look young. There are several factors which are responsible for speeding up the process of aging. All of these factors makes can make you look elder than your age. Thus in order to look young and to slow down the process of aging all you need to do is taking care of what you eat.

Our eating habits are very much responsible for signs of aging. Bad eating habits like smoking and consuming a lot of caffeine causes signs of aging. So start consuming anti-aging foods to make your skin look younger, suggested by Goldy Hunjan, professional makeup artist in Ludhiana, Punjab. This is the best natural way through which you can make your skin look younger.

Anti-Aging foods to make your skin look younger

Best Anti-aging foods which can make you look younger

  • Watermelon
  • Avocados
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes
  • Carrots
  • Papaya
  • Dark chocolates
  • Red wine


Vitamins A, E and C are present in watermelon and these vitamins are very good for skin health. Also Lycopene is present in it which is an antioxidant that helps to maintain a young skin. Also we know that a good hydrated body is required for younger skin and also watermelon contains 90% of water which keeps your body hydrated.


Avocados contain a good amount of nutrients which helps to keep your skin younger. Monosaturated and polysaturated fats present in avocados helps to prevent skin dryness and also nourish the skin. Vitamins like A, B, C, E and K are present in this fruit which are very good for glowing, healthy and younger looking skin.


Broccoli contains Vitamin C and K. Both of these are very good anti- wrinkle antioxidants. Thus to get very good results from it consume it raw or boiled. Thus we can say that broccoli has very good anti-aging properties.


Tomato is a very good anti-aging food to make your skin look younger. It also contains lycopene which protects skin from harmful sun rays. You can drink tomato juice or you can take it raw as salad. But cooked tomatoes are better than the raw one so try to consume cooked tomatoes.  


Carrots contain carotenoids which help in reducing the signs of aging. Also carrots are good source which helps our body to protect it from the harmful radiations of the sun. These radiations are very much responsible for skin aging. Thus consume carrots to prevent your skin from such radiations. Carrots can be consumed raw as salad.


Your skin health is also connected with your digestive health. Thus if your gut health is very good it also reflects through your skin. Papaya contains papain that enhances the digestive health of the person. Thus a good gut health than makes your skin look healthier and younger.

Dark chocolates

Dark chocolates are also included in the list of the anti-aging food to make you look younger. These are known to regulate the blood circulation and thus also moisturize your skin. Dark chocolates also help in preventing wrinkles. It contains antioxidants which help to reduce inflammation.

Red wine

Red wine works as anti-aging tonic. It helps to look younger. Also it has many other health related benefits such as its keeps your heart healthy and reduces blood pressure and also it keeps your skin glowing.

Thus you should have these anti-aging foods to make your skin look younger. All of these foods not just make you look young but also these foods have many health benefits which helps in keeping your body fit. A regular consumption helps you to slow down the signs of aging such as wrinkles.

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