5 ways to prevent frizzy hair in winters | A good hair day is the one which each all of us want to have every day but it is not easy to have good hair day daily especially during the winters when air is dry. During this weather your hair becomes dry and loses its moisture.

Thus, you have to deal with frizzy hair during winters. In order to solve this problem of frizzy hair during winters you need to follow some simple steps which can help you a lot in prevent your hair in getting dry and frizzy.

A hair which is frizzy is very much difficult to manage so to get silky smooth hair during these winters make sure you take care of it and follow the 5 ways to prevent frizzy hair in winters, suggested by Goldy Hunjan, professional makeup artist in Ludhiana Punjab which are discussed in this article.

What causes Frizzy hair during winter?

Air during winter is cold and thus it lacks moisture. Due to the absence of moisture in air during winters your hair tends to become frizzy and dry. So let us take a look at the ways which can help you in preventing this frizzy hair problem.

5 ways to prevent frizzy hair in winters

5 ways to prevent frizzy hair in winters:

  • Avoid hair dryer
  • Oil regularly
  • Wash hair with lukewarm water
  • Aloe vera mask
  • Egg yolk

Avoid hair dryer

All of us are already aware of the harmful effects of hair styling tools on our hair. Thus if you use hair dryer every time you wash your hair then stop doing this in winters. Hair dryers soak up the natural moisture of your hair and thus make is frizzy and dry. Thus it is better to let your hair dry naturally.

Oil regularly

Hair oiling is an old method of preventing hair from many types of issues like dryness, roughness and dandruff. It is the best way to keep your hair healthy. In order to prevent your hair from getting frizzy you must massage coconut oil and castor oil on your scalp. This also helps in improving blood circulation which helps in hair growth too.

Wash hair with luke warm water

During winters don not wash your hair with very hot and very cold water. This helps in closing cuticles of your hair strands and thus seals moisture in hair. Closed cuticles also prevent hair from dirt and helps in preventing frizzy hair.

Aloe vera mask

This is one of the 5 ways to prevent frizzy hair in winters. All of us very well know about the benefits of aloe vera for our skin. But it can do wonders on hair also. A mask made up of aloe vera helps to prevent frizzy hair problem.

Take quarter cup aloe vera gel and add one or two spoons of carrier oil.  Carrier oil helps in improving the effectiveness of the mask. You can also use jojoba oil or grape seed oil. Apply this mask and let it sit for an hour. Rinse off your hair and wash with shampoo. Do not forget to use a conditioner.

Egg yolk

Egg yolk is very good for getting healthy and smooth hair. It is one of the best home remedy which helps to manage frizzy hair. All you have to do is just combine two yolks and apply it on your scalp. Wait for 20-30 minutes and then wash your hair using a shampoo and conditioner. Your hair gets shine after using this mask.

Thus, these are the best 5 ways to prevent frizzy hair in winters.  Good frizz free hair can change your entire look. Thus in order to prevent your hair from getting frizzy make sure you start following these ways so that you can flaunt healthy hair during winters too.

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