10 best homemade anti aging remedies – Who doesn’t want to look young and beautiful? Right! Aging comes up with obvious effects on your face. No just age is the main reason but many other factors are responsible for the signs of aging on face. The beauty products which you use to prevent your skin from wrinkles and fine lines can work for some time but in long run these chemical based products are going to leave you with wrinkles and fine lines. So if you love your skin then try out homemade anti aging remedies. This article contains 10 best homemade anti aging remedies, given by Goldy Hunjan – best professional makeup artist in Ludhiana Punjab, which can help you to delay signs of aging.

What causes aging?

Before we move towards the home remedies to prevent signs of aging let us first discuss its causes. Although aging is a natural process but there are many reasons which leads to signs of aging. Some of them are stress, lack of sleep, mutations etc. However we know that as aging is natural process which cannot be reversed but yet we can slow down the signs of aging.

10 best homemade anti aging remedies

10 best homemade anti aging remedies

  1. Honey
  2. Yogurt pack
  3. Coconut milk pack
  4. Papaya pack
  5. Castor oil
  6. Cucumber aloe face pack
  7. Turmeric and curd face pack
  8. Essential oils
  9. Avocados mask
  10. Banana and honey face mask


Honey is full of antioxidants. These antioxidants are very good to repair the damage caused by the free radicals. Also it is a very good moisturizer and thus it helps to slow down the process of formation of fine lines and wrinkles. All what you need to do is take 1-2 spoons of honey and apply it on your face and neck. Massage it on your face for a minute and leave it for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, rinse it off with water.

Yogurt pack

Lactic acid is known for its anti-aging properties. These are very helpful in keeping skin hydrated and wrinkle free. Thus make a face pack using yogurt, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 tea spoon lemon juice and pinch of honey. Mix all the ingredients and make a pack. Apply this pack on your face. Leave this on your face for 15 minutes, so that it can work on your skin properly. Then rinse it after 15 minutes. This is one of the best home remedy in the list of 10 best homemade anti-aging remedies.

Coconut milk pack

To keep your wrinkles away you must use this homemade anti-aging remedy. Coconut milk has antioxidant properties thus it surely helps in keeping wrinkles away. Take 3-4 table spoons of coconut oil and soak cotton balls in it, apply it on your face with the help of these cotton balls. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse it.

Papaya Pack

Papaya pack is also good to try from the list of 10 best homemade anti aging remedies. It works for signs of aging due to the presence of an enzyme called papain. It helps in getting rid of dead skin cells and thus keeps fine lines away. Take few pieces of ripe papaya. Mash it and make a smooth paste by adding some water. Apply this on your face and rinse it after ten minutes.

Castor oil

Use of castor oil is very good as it provides hydration. It soothes skin and helps in reducing fine lines. Take few drops of castor oil, rub it between your palms and massage it into your skin. Leave it on your skin for an hour and then rinse it off. It works in moisturizing skin also.

Cucumber aloe face pack

It is also a homemade face pack having anti-aging properties. Take some aloe vera gel and add two tablespoon of curd and few drops of lemon juice and mix them. Take a cucumber and cut a slice. Using this slice of cucumber apply aloe paste on your face simply by dipping it into the paste then rub cucumber nicely on your face.

Turmeric and curd face pack

Turmeric is known for its never ending benefits for skin. It gives glow and has anti-aging properties too. Thus make a face packing using 2 tablespoon turmeric powder in half cup of curd. Mix these two ingredients and apply this pack on skin and rub paste on skin gently. Let it get dry and hen wash it after 15 minutes.

Essential oil

Essential oils are also in the list of 10 best homemade anti aging remedies. These are helpful in delaying signs of aging naturally. Application of essential oils mixed with carrier oils reduces wrinkles. Many essential oils are there which are specially known for anti-aging properties. Some of them are: lavender, rose, pomegranate, rosemary and sandalwood.

Avocado mask

Avocado is good for health as well as for skin. It is a super food. It has properties which are helpful in preventing skin from free radical damage. All you need for this homemade anti-aging mask is one avocado. Remove pit and mash avocado. Make a paste of it and apply it on your face. Rinse it with water after 10 minutes. You can use this mask once a week.

Banana and honey face mask

We have already discussed the benefits of honey in delaying signs of aging. Now if you combine it with banana it will give you double results. Take one ripe banana, 2 tablespoon of honey and curd. Mash banana and combine honey and curd with it. Apply this homemade anti-aging paste on your skin and keep it on your skin until it gets dry and then wash it off with cold water.

Nobody wants aging effects on skin. Thus these 10 best homemade anti-aging remedies will help you to delay signs of aging-wrinkles and fine line. So if you are depended on chemical based products to reduce your fine lines and wrinkles, try these homemade remedies as these do not have any side effects and also these are effective and prevent signs of aging.

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