Everyone has the wish of getting a glowing skin. It seems to be very difficult to get a good glow on your face but the reality is you don’t need to struggle a lot to get a good glowing skin. All you need to do is make yourself aware about some of the home remedies for glowing skin. As we are talking about home remedies that means we are going to use everything natural here. So there is no way that this could be harmful for your skin in any aspect. Thus, make the use of these home remedies given by Goldy Hunjan – best professional makeup artist in Ludhiana, Punjab, to get rid of dull skin problem.

What causes skin dullness?

Before we jump into the remedies for a good glowing skin, it is very much essential to know that what causes a dull skin problem. So that you can avoid them and let your skin breathe. There are many such causes some of them are given here:

  • Dehydration
  • Use of tabacoo
  • Environmental factors
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Stress

Home remedies for glowing skin


Turmeric is one of the most popular home remedies for glowing skin, which is found in our home and is known for its magical effects on skin. It is helpful in many skin problems. It has anti- bacterial properties and it is very powerful antioxidant. Thus it makes your skin glowing. You can use turmeric in many face packs. Take some gram flour and add half teaspoon of turmeric. Add some milk and honey. And apply this thick paste on your skin for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.


As we have seen milk is used on the skin of the babies as it is very gentle on skin and is very good for the glow of the skin. Raw milk is one of the best ingredients which you can use for a glowing skin. You can apply raw milk on your face and also use raw milk by mixing it with some other ingredients to form a paste.


Lemons are a very good source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a very good source to boost collagen production. Drink a glass of lemon juice daily. It helps in increasing immunity and keeps your skin glowing by detoxifying your body. You can also apply lemon on your skin. But before applying it do a patch test first. Also you can use few drops of lemon juice in your face packs.


Yoghurt contains lactic acid. It is very good for your skin health. It helps in skin moisturizing and reducing wrinkles. Also it prevents skin from acne. Start consuming yoghurt as it is very good for your skin and also you can apply yoghurt on your skin or you can use yoghurt in your face packs. This is a very good home remedy for glowing skin.


It is a very well known ingredient which is used in almost most of the face packs. Use of besan helps you to get a healthy and glowing skin. It works as a natural exfoliator. Thus it helps in removing dead skin cells from the skin. You can make a paste by using besan. You can mix it with milk, honey and many other ingredients.


If you have dry skin then you can use this home remedy for glowing skin. Don’t just include cucumbers in your diet but also you can use them in your beauty regimen. It helps to keep skin hydrated and thus we can say that it helps in increasing the glow of the skin. Also it is very helpful in reducing dark circles. Just put slices of cucumber on your eyes to reduce your dark circles.

These natural home remedies are very effective and also as these are natural , there is no fear of any side effect. Thus making use of these some of the simply available ingredients, you can change the quality of your skin. So try these home remedies for glowing skin and get a flawless skin. And also don’t forget to avoid the reasons which cause skin dullness. Keeping yourself away from these causes you can reduce the dullness of the skin.

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